Discover Avia's income restricted studio, one-, two-, and three-bedroom residences with stellar design and amenities perfectly crafted for you.
Accepting applications for residences ranging from $896-$1331/month.
To qualify:
o Single occupancy residents must make between $31,140 -$35,850 total annually
o Double occupancy residents must not make more than $41,000 together total annually
o Applicants cannot be full-time students
o Applicants must provide proof of student status
o Applicants must comply with Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Requirements
o Applicants will have to provide proof of income and assets
o All additional income is included in the above maximum income requirements
If you are interested in applying for an affordable apartment at Avia, fill out the form below or email Someone from our team will contact you.

Avia Affordable Apartment Inquiry
To learn more about our affordable apartments at Avia and the application process, fill out the form. Someone from our team will contact you.